Configuring Piqueserver

Piqueserver is configured through a config file, usually named config.toml. Piqueserver uses the configuration language TOML (Tom’s Obvious Markup Language). A detailed description of TOML can be found in the TOML readme, but a short example is provided below.


PySpades, PySnip and versions of piqueserver before 1.0.0 used a JSON file for settings. These files will still be read, if no config.toml is available. However, the structure piqueserver expects might differ.

TOML Syntax

TOML files are plaintext files. They can be edited with any plaintext editor of your choice, such as Notepad++ on windows, editor on mac and, nano or gedit on Linux.

Configuration is case-sensitive. This means that your settings will not apply correctly if you use the incorrect case.

The section header is followed by key-value pairs:

name = "best server ever"

If a # is encountered, the rest of the line will be ignored.

There are a number of types of values:

text = "text, surrounded by quotes"

motd = """
a longer text
that can stretch
over more lines
(useful for the MOTD!)"""

list = ["a", "list",
        "of", "values"]

a_number = 123.5
enable_thing = true  # or false

TOML supports sections similar to the Microsoft .ini file format. The beginning of a section is marked by the name of the section surrounded by square brackets:


Any key-value pairs that follow this are part of that section, until a new section is started.


Some config options allow data about the server to be substituted. These options are enclosed in curly braces. This example uses all substitutions that are available when substitution is available for a config option:

motd = [
    "Welcome to {server_name}! See /help for commands.",
    "you are playing {game_mode}",
    "Map is {map_name} by {map_author}.",
    "Map description: {map_description}.",
    "(server powered by piqueserver)",

Individual config options might have additional substitutions available. This is noted in the documentation for the relevant option.

New in version 1.0.0: The {name} format was added. The older, %(name)s format is deprecated.

Config directory structure

The configuration directory follows a strict structure.

By default the configuration directory lives at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/piqueserver/ with a fallback to $HOME/.config/piqueserver/, as specified by the XDG Base Directory Specification.

This can be overridden by the -d command line option.

├── bans.txt               # Player bans get stored in this file; it is created automatically.
├── config.toml            # The main configuration file. By default piqueserver will look for config.toml in the config directory.
│                          # This can be overridden by the -c command line option.
├── game_modes             # Scripts that are specifically game modes will be stored here.
│   └──   # Your custom game mode script
├── logs                   # This directory contains logs output by the server.
│   └── log.txt            # The main server logfile; If you disable daily rotation of log files all logs go here.
├── maps                   # Any map files should be stored in here. Where a map is specified by name in "rotation" config option
│   ├── classicgen.txt     # the server will look for  a .txt or .txt/.vxl file with that name.
│   └── random.txt
├── scripts                # You can add other scripts not included with piqueserver here.
│   │                      # The server will load any scripts listed in "scripts" config option by name from here.
│   └──          # For example, if "showhp" is listed in the "scripts" config option, then scripts/ will be loaded.
└── data                   # Various other data files are stored here.
    └── GeoLiteCity.dat    # Currently it's only used for the geoip data file required by the /from command in-game.