Source code for pyspades.weapon

import math
from typing import Callable, Dict
from twisted.internet import reactor
from pyspades.constants import (RIFLE_WEAPON, SMG_WEAPON, SHOTGUN_WEAPON,
                                HEAD, TORSO, ARMS, LEGS, CLIP_TOLERANCE)

[docs]class BaseWeapon: shoot = False reloading = False id = None # type: int shoot_time = None next_shot = 0 start = None # Weapon parameters # Total number of rounds stock = None # type: int # Number of rounds that fit in the weapon at once ammo = None # type: int # If the weapon should be reloaded one round at a time like the shotgun slow_reload = False # Time between shots delay = 0.0 # Time between reloading and being able to shoot again reload_time = 0.0 # Dict of damages damage = None # type: Dict[int, int] def __init__(self, reload_callback: Callable) -> None: self.reload_callback = reload_callback self.reset()
[docs] def restock(self) -> None: self.current_stock = self.stock
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self.shoot = False if self.reloading: self.reload_call.cancel() self.reloading = False self.current_ammo = self.ammo self.current_stock = self.stock
[docs] def set_shoot(self, value: bool) -> None: if value == self.shoot: return current_time = reactor.seconds() if value: self.start = current_time if self.current_ammo <= 0: return elif self.reloading and not self.slow_reload: return self.shoot_time = max(current_time, self.next_shot) if self.reloading: self.reloading = False self.reload_call.cancel() else: ammo = self.current_ammo self.current_ammo = self.get_ammo(True) self.next_shot = self.shoot_time + self.delay * ( ammo - self.current_ammo) self.shoot = value
[docs] def reload(self) -> None: if self.reloading: return ammo = self.get_ammo() if not self.current_stock or ammo >= self.ammo: return elif self.slow_reload and self.shoot and ammo: return self.reloading = True self.set_shoot(False) self.current_ammo = ammo self.reload_call = reactor.callLater(self.reload_time, self.on_reload)
[docs] def on_reload(self) -> None: self.reloading = False if self.slow_reload: self.current_ammo += 1 self.current_stock -= 1 self.reload_callback() self.reload() else: new_stock = max(0, self.current_stock - ( self.ammo - self.current_ammo)) self.current_ammo += self.current_stock - new_stock self.current_stock = new_stock self.reload_callback()
[docs] def get_ammo(self, no_max: bool = False) -> int: if self.shoot: dt = reactor.seconds() - self.shoot_time ammo = self.current_ammo - max(0, int( math.ceil(dt / self.delay))) else: ammo = self.current_ammo if no_max: return ammo return max(0, ammo)
[docs] def is_empty(self, tolerance=CLIP_TOLERANCE) -> bool: return self.get_ammo(True) < -tolerance or not self.shoot
[docs] def get_damage(self, value, position1, position2) -> int: return self.damage[value]
[docs]class Rifle(BaseWeapon): id = RIFLE_WEAPON name = 'Rifle' delay = 0.5 ammo = 10 stock = 50 reload_time = 2.5 slow_reload = False damage = { TORSO: 49, HEAD: 100, ARMS: 33, LEGS: 33 }
[docs]class SMG(BaseWeapon): id = SMG_WEAPON name = 'SMG' delay = 0.11 # actually 0.1, but due to AoS scheduling, it's usually 0.11 ammo = 30 stock = 120 reload_time = 2.5 slow_reload = False damage = { TORSO: 29, HEAD: 75, ARMS: 18, LEGS: 18 }
[docs]class Shotgun(BaseWeapon): id = SHOTGUN_WEAPON name = 'Shotgun' delay = 1.0 ammo = 6 stock = 48 reload_time = 0.5 slow_reload = True damage = { TORSO: 27, HEAD: 37, ARMS: 16, LEGS: 16 }